Delve into the mystery and deception surrounding the life of one Sherlock Holmes. If you love suspense, then you’d definitely be thrilled with the dark and captivating rooms of 221B Baker Street.
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Delve into the mystery and deception surrounding the life of one Sherlock Holmes. If you love suspense, then you’d definitely be thrilled with the dark and captivating rooms of 221B Baker Street.
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The It Crowd’s office may be messy, but no one can deny that it is brimming in personality. If you love that overcrowded but well-loved office look, you’d definitely picked the right inspiration for your new space!
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Feel the New York vibes and decorate your space like Ted’s messy apartment. There’s a lot going on inside his space, and the mismatched furniture and décor just adds to the group’s quirky personality.
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Feel like you’re living in the bustling downtown Los Angeles with the beautifully mismatched apartment from New Girl. This factory-turned-loft is full of personality in itself without the added décor that Jess and the guys have added throughout the years.
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Geekify your lair with the messy but colorful design of the apartment units from the Big Bang Theory. If you’re into comics and fangirl/boying, you’d definitely appreciate the quirky personality that each of these apartments have.
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