The Shining
Create your own retro-looking haunted hotel, similar to The Shining’s Overlook Hotel. Add bold and bright patterns as well as details to make your room of horrors all that more unsettling.
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Create your own retro-looking haunted hotel, similar to The Shining’s Overlook Hotel. Add bold and bright patterns as well as details to make your room of horrors all that more unsettling.
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Create a room that is inspired by the alien-fighting, world-saving organization of the Men in Black. Modern and clean, your whites, blacks, and grays, are the simplest guides you need to achieve the MIB look.
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Design your room like the opulence of the Grand Budapest Hotel. Bask in the warm bright colors of the film and plan your space with interesting art deco pieces.
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Channel your inner Blade Runner enthusiast by creating a space designed to be in-between times. Add small details from the past like vintage rugs and designs of the future like leather furniture.
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